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NFL Draft First Round Review

What were these people thinking? The biggest shock I got out of the NFL Draft was when I turned on the TV and saw the monstrous mass of humanity swarming around the outdoor venue.  An estimated 275,000 people attended the draft in Detroit Thursday night setting a new one-day high for the three-day event. The previous one-day high was 200,000 at the Nashville draft in 2019, according to Paul Egan of the Detroit Free-Press . Earlier in the week, the Free-Press estimated that Detroit would see an overall economic impact of greater than $160,000 from hosting the draft.  ESPN made sure to focus on fans a lot during the draft and that is when you really start wondering what these people were thinking. Mary Clarke of the USA Today  captured and collated all of the crazy costumes, face paint and rabid intensity of the fanatical attendees. It looked like a Blue Collar Burning Man or Post-Apocalyptic Rocky Horror Picture show and I highly doubt the majority of the attending maniacs had any idea

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